Exploring how to apply God's Word to our lives today.
Bible Study
Christian Faith
God's Purposes
Jubilee Year 2025
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Matthew shows the universal relevance of Jesus – to all people of all nations. Jesus cared about all people and offered a gospel for all people, while demonstrating His authority over all nations.
Bibliography of major sources and additional sources used in this study of the Gospel of Matthew.
Who is Jesus? – Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus.
Mary’s pregnancy, from Joseph’s perspective: What is God doing?
Wise men come to see the newborn king – and still do today!
Herod seeks to kill Jesus, which is why Jesus ends up as a refugee in Egypt, and then in Nazareth.
John the Baptist: Repentance is not comfortable but is part of our calling.
The baptism of Jesus, and how it relates to you.
The temptation of Jesus shows how to respond to our own temptations.
Jesus chooses a particular place – Galilee – to begin his ministry.
Jesus gathers disciples and followers.
Blessed are the poor, the grieving, the meek.
Blessed are those who are focused on what God cares about.
You provide the salt and light of Jesus to the world.
Jesus fulfills the Old Testament: the Law and the Prophets.
Murder, anger, insulting others – how are they related, and what can we do about them?
Adultery, lust, and divorce start in the heart.
Integrity means your words line up with your actions.
Jesus takes retaliation in a new direction.
Why does Jesus tell us to love our enemies?
Who needs to know about your almsgiving, prayer, and fasting?
How to pray: The Lord’s Prayer shows the way.
What is a healthy view of wealth?
Worry – how to deal with it.
You will be judged in the same way you judge others.
Pray with confidence that God will respond as your Father.
The Golden Rule is part of the fundamental choice Jesus is calling us to make.
Is your faith built on rock? Is the Sermon on the Mount a central part of your faith?
Jesus cares about our afflictions.
To follow Jesus, we need to make some choices.
Who are you willing to befriend?
Allow Jesus to heal you, open your eyes, loosen your tongue.
Compassion compels Jesus and us to proclaim the good news.
Make the choice to follow Christ and do not be afraid of the consequences.
What is the evidence that Jesus is the Messiah?
Will we accept the direction of the Lord or resist?
What matters the most? What do your words reveal?
Two reactions to Jesus: disingenuous skepticism and genuine commitment.
Divorce: What does it mean for two to become one?
Welcoming children as God does – you never know the impact you might have.
The danger of riches: What kind of grip do they have on you?
Who can be saved? Your wealth won’t save you, but what will?
What will those who give up earthly goods for Jesus receive?
Jesus is buried: Some people take action; others wait and watch.
The empty tomb means that Jesus is alive – and still alive today!
Everyone can participate: Sharing and living the good news.