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- Matthew 19:27-30
Previous Next Matthew 19:27-30 What will those who give up earthly goods for Jesus receive? Tom Faletti February 13, 2024 Matthew 19:27-30 The rewards of giving up everything for God Peter observes that the disciples have left everything behind to follow him. What does Jesus say they will have “at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man is seated on his throne” (19:28, NRSV)? What does Jesus say that other believers who have left things behind will have in his kingdom? In verse 29, “a hundredfold” is a metaphor rather than a literal accounting term. What is “a hundredfold” describing, metaphorically? A hundredfold might mean an abundance, a richness of life. If they have left behind houses, brothers and sisters, parents and children, property, what do you think it means to say they will have “a hundredfold” in God’s kingdom? Perhaps “brothers and sisters” is metaphorically referring to the fellow believers we will have as spiritual brothers and sisters. It might have a similar meaning for parents and children, but wouldn’t it be awesome to think that I might have some great-great-great-grandparents who might, in heaven, be like parents to me? The property might stand for the abundance and richness of life that we will experience in heaven. Jesus concludes in verse 30: “But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first” (NRSV and NABRE). In what ways does this passage support the conclusion that “the last will be first”? Take a step back and consider this: This incident is part of a series of events in this part of Matthew’s Gospel where Jesus explains what I like to call Jesus's upside-down/downside-up view of life : the greatest must become like a child (18:1-5), God cares as much about the one stray as the 99 who are safe (18:10-14), the prayers of just two or three people can move heaven (18:19-20), forgiveness is not something we can choose to dole out in limited amounts — we are called to forgive to the utmost (18:21-35), men are to be committed to marriage and not find reasons to divorce their wives (19:1-9), the kingdom of heaven belongs to the children, who are the lowest people on the social ladder (19:13-15), wealth is a potential impediment to receiving God's salvation rather than being a sign of God’s favor (19:16-30), the rewards of the kingdom are available to those who come late to Jesus as well as those who (think they) have followed God’s law from the beginning (20:1-16), those who wish to be first must be the servant of all (20:20-28). Jesus’s perspective is often diametrically opposed to prevailing societal perspectives regarding what is important, or valued, or expected, or right. If you want to see as God sees, you generally need to train yourself to look at things from the bottom, not the top. This can be hard for us. We have to work to see as God sees. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to see differently than the world has trained us to see. What is one aspect of your life where you can challenge yourself to see what it looks like from the bottom up, from Jesus’s downside-up perspective? Why does God choose to take that vantage point? Can you do the same? What difference would it make? Bibliography Click here for the bibliography . Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Matthew 28:1-10
Previous Next Matthew 28:1-10 The empty tomb means that Jesus is alive – and still alive today! Tom Faletti May 24, 2024 Matthew 28:1-10 The Resurrection: Jesus appears to the two Marys From your knowledge of the Resurrection story, why do you think the two Marys returned to the tomb after the Sabbath? Luke tells us (24:1) that they had prepared spices with which to anoint his body. What happens in verse 2? This is not an earthquake for show, though it is meant to signal that God is at work here. The real earth-shaking event here is not the rumble of shifting tectonic plates but the fact that the stone has been rolled away. What does the description of the angel in verse 3 tell us about this person? How does it show that this is not a human? In verse 4, how do the guards react? The angel says a lot of things to the women. Take it one verse at a time. What does the angel tell them in verse 5? In verse 6? In verse 7? What is the significance of “Do not be afraid”? Is there a place in your life where you need to hear those words right now: Do not be afraid? What kinds of things cause us to need to hear those words? Uncertainty, inadequate resources, health issues, loved ones facing struggles, world situations, etc. How does the fact that Jesus is risen give us a way to try to deal with our fears? (If you are struggling with anxiety or worry, this might be a good time to go back and look at our study of Matthew 6:25-34 : Do not worry about your life; do not worry about tomorrow.) Why does the angel remind them that Jesus said he would be raised? Why does the angel invite them to “see the place where he lay”? The angel honors the natural human desire to want to verify. Being able to see with one’s own eyes gives confidence that it is true. It will also strengthen their story and make it more believable when they go tell the disciples. In some Christian circles, one sometimes gets the impression that wanting evidence is a bad thing. But the Christian faith is based on real evidence, not on unsupported claims. The angel invited the women to see for themselves . Jesus invited Thomas to examine the wounds of his crucifixion. Jesus appeared bodily to the disciples. He didn’t just communicate to them in some ethereal, otherworldly way that he had risen from the dead – he showed them by coming into their midst with a real body, eating with them, and letting them touch him. God understands our need for evidence. Evidence is not a bad thing. Why is evidence important? Among other things, evidence allows us to separate countless fakes and frauds from the genuine work of God. You were not there to see the empty tomb or to see the risen Lord in the flesh. On what basis can you make the claim that Jesus is risen and is not still dead in a tomb? What difference does it make to you that Jesus is risen? How does it affect how you live your everyday life in the real world? It is amazing that, despite the male-dominant culture of Jesus’s time, the initial news that Jesus is risen is given to women, not to male members of the band of disciples. Why do you think this is, and what difference does it make that God chose to have this great news be told first to women? Women showed up to the tomb, so they were in the right place at the right time. Women throughout history are the ones who show up to do the grunt work. In doing the grunt work, they were there for this great revelation. God’s choice to honor the women is one more example of God’s downside-up approach to humanity. Women were the first people to tell the good news of Jesus’s resurrection. Do we give women a significant enough voice in our churches today? Explain. Jesus wants to see the disciples. It isn’t just that they want to see him. He wants to see them . Why? Can we extend this to ourselves? In what ways, and why, does Jesus want to see us ? Jesus told the disciples at the Last Supper, in Matthew 26:32, that after he was raised he would go ahead of them to Galilee. Why do you think he wants to see them in Galilee ? What do you think he wants to do with them, and why not just stay in Jerusalem and do it there? There are many possible answers to this question. Some of the factors are: The disciples are just visiting Jerusalem. They don’t have homes there. They have families who presumably expect them back. Jesus has more he needs to teach them, to prepare them for his sending them forth to preach the gospel without his constant bodily presence. Being in Jerusalem means being under a spotlight. Galilee provides a quieter, less visible place where they can focus on that preparation with fewer distractions. Just as Jesus isn’t finished with the disciples yet, he isn’t finished with you or me, either. What do you think he wants to do with us right now? Where is your “Galilee”? Where is the place where Jesus can meet with you and get you ready for your next steps, with minimal distraction? The women leave the tomb to go tell the disciples, feeling both fear and great joy. What a combination of feelings! Suddenly – wonder of wonders – Jesus himself appears to them! Are there ways in which it is especially fitting that it is these two women who first experience the risen Lord? Explain. Jesus greets them. The Greek word Matthew uses for Jesus’s greeting had multiple meanings. It was a standard greeting, meaning “Hail!” or “Greetings.” So a literal translation of that sentence might be: “And behold, Jesus met them, saying greetings” (“Matthew 28,” Interlinear Bible, Bible Hub , ). However, the original and literal meaning of that word was “rejoice,” and it was still used that way in Jesus’s time. For example, in Matthew 5:12, when Jesus says, “Rejoice and be glad” when they persecute you, the word “Rejoice” is the same Greek word. We wouldn’t translate it “Greetings and be glad”; we would choose the other meaning for the word: “Rejoice.” So, it would be legitimate to translate the sentence where Jesus greets the women in this way: And behold, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” How is being in the presence of the Lord a reason for rejoicing for you? In verse 9, how do the women respond when they see Jesus alive? What is the significance of “worshipping” him? There is a subtle but important point in the fact that they touched his feet: It tells us that he had a real body and was not just a disembodied spirit. Why is this important? How important is it to you that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive, not dead? Jesus repeats the angel’s instructions: Do not be afraid; tell the disciples to go to Galilee, where they will see me. But he doesn’t call them “disciples.” He calls them “brothers.” Why is it significant that, at this particular point in time, he is calling them “brothers”? Jesus had not used the word “brothers” for them previously in Matthew except in a vague way in Matthew 12:46-50. Calling them “brothers” now, after they deserted him, is a clear sign of the depth of his love for them and dedication to them. It is also a declaration of the relationship they will have with him forevermore. Jesus considers us, too, his “brothers and sisters.” How does it feel to you, to be called a brother or sister of Jesus? Now look beyond just how it feels. What does it mean to say that you are a brother or sister of Jesus? Is there anything you would like to say to the risen Lord Jesus, or that you would like to do, in response to the fact that he considers you his brother or sister? Take a step back and consider this: At a few points in our study of Matthew’s Gospel, where scholars disagreed or there were conflicting interpretations of a passage, I have said or implied that it doesn’t really matter for our faith which interpretation is right. For example, whether there was a Roman or Jewish guard at Jesus’s tomb doesn’t affect our faith. It is not a central issue. (I am not promoting relativism here. There is an absolute truth. Either there were Roman soldiers guarding the tomb or there weren’t, regardless of what we think. But practically speaking, the answer to that question does not have any significant effect on what we believe as Christians or how we live out our faith.) But the issue of the Resurrection does matter. Whether Jesus did in fact rise from the dead, resulting in an empty tomb and a living Lord; or whether there was still a body in a tomb somewhere, now long decomposed; or whether the disciples stole the body, also now long decomposed – that matters a lot . If Jesus did rise bodily from the grave, he did something that no other human could do, after announcing it in advance. In that case, the Resurrection confirms and authenticates the claims he made when he was alive. If he can do that, he is not just a human. And since he called himself the Son of God, his Resurrection calls us to response to him as the Son of God. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, his claims are fraudulent. Moreover, in that case the transformation of the fledgling Christian community from fearful waverers to bold witnesses is incomprehensible. Many people have died for a lie, but who would suffer excruciating torture for a fraudulent claim they knew they had made up? The story from the beginning, for which people gave their life, is that Jesus bodily rose from the dead and lives in a very real way today. So this really matters. Why have Christians from the very beginning emphasized the reality of the Resurrection so much? Is the Resurrection a central part of your faith? How important is the Resurrection in your understanding of God’s interaction with the world and with you? Are there ways that you have experienced the resurrection power of God? What has God done in your life that gives you confidence that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive today? For small groups studying Matthew: Preparation for next time: If you can, please do this small amount of preparation before our final meeting (but come anyway, even if you can’t do this “homework”): Look back through the Gospel of Matthew and try to answer these two questions: What do you think Matthew wants his readers to do in response to his account of the life and teachings of Jesus? Please don’t stop at something simple like, “He wants us to believe.” Yes, of course he does. But what would that look like? What does he want us to do or how does he want us to live our lives as our response to Jesus? What is your favorite story, quote, or teaching from Matthew’s Gospel, or what strikes you as most important or most meaningful, and why? Bibliography Click here for the bibliography . Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Session 4: Where signs of hope are needed today, part 2
Previous Next Jubilee Year 2025: Embrace God’s Hope and Extend It to All Session 4: Where signs of hope are needed today, part 2 The sick; the young; migrants and refugees; the elderly. (Read paragraphs 11-14) Link to S pes Non Confundit Sunset, Ephesus. Photo by Tom Faletti, Ephesus, Turkiye, October 27, 2023. Tom Faletti November 16, 2024 Everywhere we turn, people are discouraged. Jesus invites us to bring them hope. He said we encounter Him in the least among us. He delights in the things we do to share God’s hope with those around us whose lives are not easy. In this session, we look at more of the groups Pope Francis identifies as having a special need for hope: the sick, the young, migrants and refugees, and the elderly. People in each of these groups face significant challenges that could sap their hope. Pope Francis suggests ways that all of us can help give them hope. Our study guide questions will help us explore specific ways we might be able to bring God’s hope to the sick, healthcare workers, people with disabilities, children, migrants, refugees, and the elderly. When we reach out to those who are overlooked, forgotten, or on the margins of society (what Pope Francis calls the “periphery”), we are recognizing God’s presence in them and welcoming them in as part of “us.” When we cross the barriers between us, we help make it clear that in God’s world there is no “us” versus “them”; there is only God and “us” – all of us. Read paragraphs 11-14 in preparation for this session. Paragraph 11 (the sick) 🔗 Why does Pope Francis care so much about the sick? Read Matthew 25:36 What does Jesus say about people who are sick? How is visiting someone who is sick a way to foster hope? In paragraph 11, besides talking about the sick, Pope Francis also talks about healthcare workers. Why does he say we should show them gratitude? The recent pandemic showed just how “precarious” the conditions of healthcare workers can be. What concrete actions can we take as a society to increase their safety and hope? Suggested Activity: Think about a caring nurse, a cheerful medical receptionist, an upbeat optician or dental hygienist, a gentle phlebotomist, or some other healthcare worker who has brightened your day by the way they have cared for you. Say a prayer of thanks for them and ask God to renew their hope in their profession. Then send them a thank-you letter or card or email. You can also let their boss know how much you appreciate them. Feel free to do the same for a doctor, but don’t leave out the assistants who make a huge difference but are so often unseen. How can we emulate, in our own small ways, those who give their lives in service to others? Who is someone you know who is sick and would be encouraged by a card, an email, a call, or a visit from you? Listen for who God brings to your heart and take a step to show them God’s love and your caring heart. Suggested Activity: Ask someone who is sick if you could bring them a meal, a loaf of bread, or just stop by for a visit. Check with them about their dietary needs and personal likes and dislikes before cooking something, and adjust accordingly. If they invite you to stay and eat with them, accept their offer – they may appreciate the company more than the food. In the second part of paragraph 11, Pope Francis expresses concern for people affected by illnesses and disabilities. Read Leviticus 19:14 Leviticus 19:14 shows the bare minimum of what we should do on behalf of people with disabilities: we should avoid making things more difficult for them. Why would that even need to be said? Why it is that, even in our society today, people with disabilities sometimes face unnecessary discrimination and abuse? Pope Francis calls for our whole society to join in a “song of hope” (par. 11) for people with disabilities through our care for them and respect for their human dignity. What are the concrete actions that might create a “song of hope” for people with disabilities? What are some specific things that you or your parish or your society’s institutions could do to help people with disabilities feel less restricted and, with a song in their heart, be more free to be independent participants in society? Suggested Activities: Check in on people you know who are dealing with a chronic illness. Many people are dealing with ongoing issues that may take a long time to resolve, if ever, while the attention of those around them may have moved elsewhere; so try to keep in touch over time. Get to know a member of your parish who has a disability. Ask them if they would be willing to move through your church and parish facilities with you and show you the obstacles they encounter. Then work with them to explore with your parish leadership what might be done to help people with disabilities feel more welcome in your church. Invite people with disabilities to events and help make it possible for them to attend if they are interested, rather than assuming they will not be able to do so. Read Proverbs 31:8-9 Proverbs 31:8-9 tells us to be a voice for those who have no voice. How might you respond to this call? How can you be an advocate for people suffering from illness or disabilities whose voices are not heard in social circles or the halls of power? Paragraph 12 (the young) 🔗 Why is Pope Francis concerned about our world’s children? What are some of the signs that they are lacking in hope? Read Mark 10:13-16 How does Jesus feel about children? How can we help our world’s children feel the love that Jesus has for them? Read Colossians 3:21 Although Colossians 3:21 is directed at fathers, it offers wisdom for society as a whole. We do not want our teenagers to become discouraged or lose heart. What are some of the challenges young people face that may cause them to become discouraged or lose heart? In your parish, neighborhood, or city, what are some of the things that might be done to give young people a renewed hope? Pope Francis says he is encouraged by the ways young people volunteer to help people in need. Are there ways you could invite young people around you to participate in activities you are involved in? Are there other ways you could support their hopes and dreams? Suggested Activity: Ask teens you see at church if they would be willing to share their perspective with you on how the Church could be more welcoming and supportive of teens. Or ask your parish youth group leader if you could bring a few adults to one of their meetings to meet with the youth group members and listen to their ideas. Be prepared to try to move forward on some of the ideas you hear, or you will become one more reason why teens are sometimes discouraged about the Church. Paragraph 13 (migrants and refugees) 🔗 In paragraph 13, Pope Francis lists some reasons why people become migrants or refugees. Why do migrants leave their homelands? Why are refugees forced to emigrate? Read Matthew 25:35 and 25:40 The Greek word for “stranger” is xenos , which can mean a foreigner or other unfamiliar person. What does this passage suggest to us about our treatment of migrants and refugees? How does our society currently treat migrants and refugees? How can you help make migrants and refugees more welcome in your society? Read Leviticus 19:33-34 How does God say “strangers” or “aliens” should be treated? How would things be different in our society if refugees and other immigrants were treated the same as native-born people, as Leviticus directs? In the second part of paragraph 13, what is Pope Francis’s hope for how the Christian community will treat these vulnerable people? How would this approach to immigrants increase the level of hope in our society? Suggested Activities: Look for opportunities to be welcoming to immigrants or other people who seem to be on the periphery of your parish. Introduce yourself to them after church. Chat with them at the coffee hour. Research what people in your community are doing to welcome immigrants and look for ways you can be supportive. Encourage others in your parish to help or to get involved when you see needs that can be met. Paragraph 14 (the elderly) 🔗 In paragraph 14, why do you think Pope Francis says that elderly people often feel lonely and abandoned? Why do you think the elderly are so often neglected in modern society rather than held close to us as a treasured part of the fabric of our communities? Read Leviticus 19:32 What does Leviticus 19:32 tell us about how the older people in the community should be treated? What might we do in our parishes and towns to keep the elderly connected to the life of our communities? What can we do to help the elderly live in hope all through their lives? Suggested Activities: Invite older people to events you are part of. Go beyond just people who are your age or have the same marital status as you. Say hello to the older people in your parish and draw them into conversations. Visit people you know who are home-bound. Send them a card or note letting them know you care about them. Let your parish know about them. Ask your parish priests whether there might be “shut-ins” in your parish who would appreciate a visit from you. Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Matthew 27:57-66
Previous Next Matthew 27:57-66 Jesus is buried: Some people take action; others wait and watch. Gustave Doré (1832-1883). The Burial of Christ . Woodcut. Detail. The illustration was originally published as one of 241 wood engravings created by Doré in La Grande Bible de Tours , issued in 1866. It is in the public domain due to copyright expiration. This image was reproduced from The Doré Bible Illustrations , Dover, 1974, and made available online by Felix Just, S.J. (see ) at , and its use is authorized by him. Tom Faletti May 17, 2024 Matthew 27:57-61 Jesus is laid in a tomb, under watchful eyes In verse 57, what does Matthew tell us about Joseph of Arimathea? He is rich, from Arimathea, and a disciple of Jesus. Mark adds that he is a respected member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council that had condemned Jesus (Mark 15:43), and Luke adds that Joseph had not agreed to the council’s actions. Scholars aren’t sure where Arimathea was. The early Christian historian Eusebius, writing nearly 300 years after the time of Jesus, identified it as the Old Testament town of Ramathaim or Ramah where Samuel the prophet was born (1 Sam. 1:1; 2:11), approximately 5 miles north of Jerusalem. What does Joseph do? Jewish Law required that criminals be buried on the same day they were executed (Deut. 21:22-23), and it would have been particularly unseemly to leave Jesus’s body to scavenging dogs on the Sabbath. Joseph steps in, in place of the family members who ordinarily would have acted. What does Matthew want us to understand about (1) the way Jesus’s body was handled, and (2) the status of the tomb he was buried in? Joseph’s action would have called attention to himself with Pilate and also might have deepened the wedge between him and other members of the Sanhedrin. How is Joseph an example of courage? How might we imitate Joseph in situations we might face in our own lives? Where might this kind of courage be needed? Who is watching as Joseph buries Jesus? The “other Mary” was the mother of James and Joseph – see verse 56. John 19:25 suggests she is the sister of Jesus’s mother Mary and the wife of Clopas. Some scholars sort out the family somewhat differently and think that Clopas ws the brother of Jesus’s (adopted) father Joseph, which would make this “other Mary” the sister-in-law of Jesus’s mother. Either way, the women of the family are steadfast to the end. Why do you think these women continue to follow the action, to the bitter end? Their commitment to God no matter what bad things happen, reminds me of Job’s comment, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in him” (Job 13:15, KJV). It is as though they are saying: “Though He may die, still we will be there for Him.” How is their example a witness to us? Matthew 27:62-66 Setting a guard to avoid a hoax Who goes to Pilate? What is their concern? The Pharisees were last referenced in Matthew 23:29. All of the drama since then has involved the chief priests and elders – the political and religious leadership – not the rank-and-file Pharisees who are so concerned about fervently living out every detail of their understanding of the Law. Why do you think the Pharisees are involved again now? Why do they care whether people make up stories about a dead Jesus? The day of Preparation was the day before the Sabbath. Matthew says they went to Pilate on the day after the day of Preparation. If we understand the timing he is suggesting, it means they went to Pilate on the Sabbath, which would be a significant violation of the Sabbath required by the Law and show how concerned they were about Jesus even after his death. What do they specifically ask Pilate for? Notice that Pilate does not offer a simple “Yes.” His answer in verse 65 is literally, “You have a guard.” (Some translations say, “Take a guard,” but that is an interpretation, not the literal words in the Greek.) Pilate’s unclear answer has led to two different interpretations: Interpretation #1 : Pilate agreed to their request and made Roman soldiers available. There is a problem with this interpretation: If the guard was a Roman guard, it is hard to believe the soldiers would have gone to the Jewish leaders after the resurrection (see Matthew 28:11) and joined in a hoax that, if found out, would have caused them to be executed for dereliction of duty. Interpretation #2 : Pilate indirectly rejected their request by reminding them that they have their own soldiers – the Temple guard, who helped arrest Jesus – and is telling them to set up their own guard if they are concerned. There is a problem with this interpretation: If it was Jewish guards, why would they have been concerned about Pilate hearing about their failure at the tomb (Matthew 28:14)? A possible answer is that when a person has failed a task, they don’t want anyone in power knowing about it, even if they aren’t directly under that person’s authority; and in this case it might be even more troubling since Pilate, in effect, commissioned them to do the task. On balance, Interpretation #2 seems more likely, but it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of our faith who the guards were. In verse 66, what do the Jewish leaders and the guard do? What do you think they expect will happen next? Barclay remarks on the irony of Pilate’s last statement, regarding the plan to guard the tomb: “make it as secure as you can” (Matthew 27:65, NRSV). Barclay says, “It is as if Pilate all unconsciously said, ‘Keep Christ in the tomb – if you can.’” He adds: “They had not realized one thing – that there was not a tomb in the world which could imprison the Risen Christ” (Barclay, The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 2 , pp. 414). Every opponent of God would like to, in effect, keep Christ in his tomb. Why is that so important? If Jesus is risen, then he is still alive and active in the world today and must be confronted or accounted for; and many people would rather not have to explain what they are doing or not doing with regard to a man who said he was the Son of God and has come back to life – which no mere human could do. Are there ways that leaders in our societies do things that look like they are trying to keep Christ in his place rather than giving him free reign to work in our churches and communities? Explain. Are there ways that people in our churches do things that feel like they are trying to keep Christ in his place rather than giving him free reign to do his resurrection work in our churches and communities? Explain. What are some ways that we might unconsciously try to keep Christ in the “tomb” in our own lives rather than allowing the Risen Christ to have free reign? We have been exploring what happened to Jesus on Good Friday. The next passage describes what happens on Easter Sunday morning, the morning of Jesus’s glorious Resurrection. But there is a day in between – Holy Saturday. Take a minute to contemplate Holy Saturday – that day of waiting between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Is there value in those days of waiting, between when we first experience pain and loss and when God helps us move to a new resurrection that rises above the pain and loss? What is the value of those days of waiting, between the dark and the dawn? How do times of waiting for God help build our character so that we become more like Jesus? How can we wait for God effectively? A footnote for the scholarly minded (feel free to skip): This story of the guard is only in Matthew’s Gospel, not in the other synoptic Gospels, even though other parts of Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospels draw significantly from Mark. This bothers some scholars, leading some to suggest that it is merely apologetics (material developed to defend the faith against attacks) or is based in legend. One response is that perhaps Mark and Luke did not consider this story important to their audiences. Matthew’s community was a mix of Jewish and Gentile Christians, and, after Jerusalem was destroyed, the Jewish Christians were frequently challenged by Jewish leaders and even faced expulsion from synagogues. Those Jewish Christians would have valued this story as they tried to defend their faith against people who claimed that Jesus’s resurrection was just a stolen-body hoax. It would have been much less important to Luke’s and Mark’s largely Gentile audiences, who may not have been dealing so directly with that argument. We do not need to have this story to know that Jesus rose from the dead. We have abundant evidence in the 4 Gospels, in subsequent books of the New Testament, and in the lives of believers for 2,000 years. But even today, people who do not want to believe in Jesus like to suggest that perhaps his followers stole his body; so perhaps the story still has special relevance for us today. Take a step back and consider this: The Jewish leaders of Jesus’s time were living in a world of “what-ifs”: What if the people are being fooled by Jesus and it was the devil who sent a wonder-worker named Jesus to turn people away from their historic Jewish faith? What if Jesus’s radically different preaching causes the people to get so riled up that the Romans come down hard on us? What if the disciples of Jesus went and stole the body? What if? What if? What if? “What if” is not always a bad question. Sometimes it keeps us out of trouble or helps us anticipate a problem that we can solve or deflect if we think ahead. But sometimes, “What if” becomes an excuse to avoid confronting the uncomfortable. How do you know when your “what-ifs” are reasonable and when your “what-ifs” are masking your own unjustified resistance to the truth? Is there something that maybe God has been nudging you to do, but you are so caught up in “What ifs” that you can’t get yourself to do it? If so, what might Jesus say to you to encourage you to respond to God’s nudges? Talk to him about it. Bibliography Click here for the bibliography . Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! 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- Matthew 2:1-12
Previous Next Matthew 2:1-12 Wise men come to see the newborn king – and still do today! Tom Faletti February 13, 2024 Matthew 2:1-12 The wise men seek the newborn king, and unintentionally alert King Herod The “wise men,” or “magi” in the Greek, were, according to The New Oxford Annotated Bible , “a class of Parthian (Persian) priests, renowned as astrologers” (fn. to Matthew 2:1-12, p. 1749). That may suggest more certainty than we have; other scholars do not think it is so certain. We mustn’t think of “astrologers” as being like modern-day fortune-tellers. They were scientists, trying to make sense of physical phenomena and how those phenomena might affect humans. There were whole bodies of “knowledge” that had been developed, connecting different nations to different “stars” (actually, planets). Why did the wise men from the East come looking for a baby in Jerusalem? In Matthew’s mind, what is the significance of the fact that these were wise men from the East rather than people from Judea? Note: The star could have been a comet, but it was more likely a juxtaposition of planets (“stars”) that had auspicious meaning according to the wisest understandings of the natural world at that time. There is a reference to a star in the Old Testament: In Numbers 24, Balaam prophesied that “a star shall come out of Jacob, / and a scepter shall rise out of Israel” (24:17, NRSV) and “Edom will become a possession” (24:18, NRSV) – i.e., Edom will be taken over and lose its independence. Herod, with an ancestry reaching back to Edom, would have been especially troubled by this. Why do you think these men want to pay homage to a Jewish baby king? Note: Herod the Great was “king” from 37-4 B.C.E., most of that time as a vassal (a client state) to the Roman Emperor. He was known for his great building projects, including his marvelous renovation and beautification of the Temple in Jerusalem, but he was also known for his ruthless treatment of any rivals; he even had his own wife and several members of his family executed. He was not from Judea. He was from Idumea, south of Israel, part of a non-Jewish Edomite family, and although his people several generations earlier had been forced to become Jews, he was always suspect among strict Jews, both because of his ethnic heritage and because of his profligate lifestyle. Why do you think Herod was frightened or troubled by the news these wise men brought? We sometimes sanitize the Bible of its politics. This is a story with a huge element of politics. Why might “all of Jerusalem,” perhaps including the chief priests, have been frightened or troubled by the news from the wise men? The people of Jerusalem knew that Herod often killed whole groups of people when he thought someone was trying to challenge him. When a tyrant is upset, everyone around him is on edge. Incidentally, Bethlehem was 5 miles south of Jerusalem, so if Jerusalem was stirred up, it also would have stirred up people in Bethlehem. Matthew tells us that Herod immediately thinks this might have something to do with the Messiah. What does this tell you about Herod? Herod is tuned in to Jewish thinking and is very sensitive to any claims that might be made against him. The idea that Jesus might be a king will remain a dangerous concept all the way to the end of Jesus’s life. We see him accused of that in his trial, and it is ultimately what he is charged with when he is executed (see Matt. 27:11,29,37). Note that Herod might have been suspicious of the magi from the beginning if they were Parthians. Before Herod was king, he took the side of Hyrcanus II when Hyrcanus’s nephew Antigonus took the throne from Hyrcanus. The Parthians were on the opposite from Herod in that fight. Herod went to Rome to seek help to gain the restoration of Hyrcanus, but the Roman Senate unexpectedly appointed Herod king, if he could gain control of Judea, which he did. The chief priests and scribes were able to name an Old Testament prophecy that they thought told where the Messiah would be born. What does this tell you about them? The prophecy in verse 6 is taken from Micah 5:1-5a (the verse numbering might be off by one in your Bible, as the Hebrew versions of our Old Testament counted 5:1 as 4:14). What does that prophecy say about Jesus? Bethlehem was David’s hometown and the place where David was anointed as king (1 Sam. 16:1-13). It was also the hometown of Ruth’s mother-in-law and father-in-law and of Boaz, who she ultimately married (he was David’s great-grandfather). In 2 Sam. 5:2, when King Saul died in battle, all the tribes of Israel came to David and said, “The LORD said to you: it is you who shall be shepherd of my people Israel, you who shall be ruler over Israel” (NRSV). Remember that Matthew set up in chapter 1 the importance of Jesus being the son of David. Matthew is making the connections for us here. Herod also professes to want to pay homage to the child (verse 8). That, we learn, is a lie. However, it raises questions for us. Why should we give homage to this child? What does it mean to “give homage” to Jesus? How can we do it genuinely and well? How does the faith of these Gentile wise men contrast with Herod’s attitude toward Jesus? How does the faith of the wise men prefigure the response to Jesus among Gentiles in Jesus’s own time and in the early church? The wise men were “overwhelmed with joy” (verse 10) when the star stopped and they knew they were near to finding the child they had been looking for. When have you been “overwhelmed with joy” at experiencing Jesus? What can you do to foster that joy? What can we learn from these wise men? They are open to other cultures; they are seekers of truth; they recognize that a future king could be poor – i.e., that poverty is not a defining limitation of a person. Note: In 2:11, Matthew tells us that: “On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother” (NRSV). “The house” indicates that when this takes place, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus are not in a cave or stable. However, they could have been in the lower quarters of a house where the animals were kept (with “bedrooms”or sleeping quarters for the normal residents upstairs). There is no evidence about how many wise men there were, but since Matthew lists three gifts, the tradition developed that there were three of them. What is the significance of the gifts of “gold, frankincense, and myrrh”? Gold is obviously costly, but so were frankincense and myrrh. How might these gifts have been, perhaps unwittingly, symbolically appropriate for Jesus? Gold symbolizes royalty. Jesus is our king. Frankincense symbolizes priesthood, in that priests offer incense as a sacrifice to God. When offered to Jesus, is suggests that Jesus is the Son of God. Also, Jesus is our great high priest, offering himself as a sacrifice for our sins. Myrrh was used for burial. Jesus’s death saved us. The myrrh symbolizes his humanity and his sacrifice for us. But also, myrrh was used in the tent tabernacle in the desert (before there was a Temple) to anoint the holy things (the tent, the ark of the covenant containing the tablets of the Law – God’s Word given to the Israelites, the sacrifice table, the utensils used in the sacrifices, etc.) and to anoint the priests (Exodus 30:22-33). Jesus is the tabernacle (the holy place that God resides) and he is the ark of the covenant (the Word of God in human flesh), anointed by God to bring us into a close relationship with God (and ultimate to take up residence in us through the Holy Spirit) and to deliver the fullness of God’s Word to us. Note: Some scholars think Matthew is adding details that go beyond the story, perhaps drawing from Psalm 72:10-11 (where the psalmist prays: may the kings of other lands bring gifts to the great future king of Israel) and Isaiah 60:6 (which says that people from Sheba will bring gold and frankincense); however, if Matthew was doing that, he would have called attention to those passages as additional “fulfillment prophecies”, and he does not do that. So it is unlikely that Matthew is making up details here to fit Old Testament passages. In 2:12, the wise men do not return to Herod but go a different way. In order to follow God faithfully, we too are sometimes called to avoid things we might have been involved with previously and “go a different way.” What is something in your life that you might need to avoid in order to follow God, and how will you “go a different way”? Take a step back and consider this: Christians delight in the story of the wise men. We honor their passion to find the new king of a far-off land. But Christians sometimes have attitudes that directly conflict with this praise for the wise men. The wise men studied the signs and evidence in nature that could expand their understanding of God’s activity in the world. Yet Some Christians disparage the work of people in our day who think hard and study carefully all of the evidence they can find in the natural world, in their search for truth (in our day, we call them “scientists”). The Scriptures don’t attack the wise men for following the evidence in the natural world wherever it leads, and neither should we attack those who follow the evidence in the natural world today. We can object when they go beyond the evidence to make claims not supported by evidence, but we need to honestly evaluate the evidence they find before rejecting it. Throughout history, Christians have suggested that God speaks to us in two “books”: the book of the Scriptures and the book of Nature. When you learn from Scripture, you are learning about God. When you learn from science, you are learning about God’s work in the world. We need to be open to the truths that arise from our careful study of nature, because nature is authored by God. Psalm 19:1-4 affirms that God speaks to us through the natural world: “The heavens are telling the glory of God; / and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. / Day to day pours forth speech, / and night to night declares knowledge” (Psalm 19:1-2, NRSV). In other words, the natural world tells us about the work of God. When Christians belittle the importance of using our minds to expand scientific understanding – whether it is about diseases or vaccines or changing climate patterns or how stars are developed or how species change over time – they are acting exactly the opposite of how the wise men in today’s Scripture passage acted when they studied the heavens so carefully. If we close our minds to people who seek truth in the natural world that God created, we may miss important truths about God’s creation that would allow us to serve God better and take better care of his creation and his people. How can you be more open to the truths discovered by scientists? Bibliography Click here for the bibliography . Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- John 1:1-18
Previous Next John 1:1-18 In the beginning, Jesus was God, with God, but he chose to come and live with us. Image by Stephanie Leblanc, made available through Unsplash. Tom Faletti This article will explore the deep insights in the first verses of the Gospel of John. Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Matthew 28:11-20
Previous Next Matthew 28:11-20 Everyone can participate: Sharing and living the good news. Tom Faletti May 31, 2024 Matthew 28:11-15 The guards’ dilemma As we discussed in Matthew 27:57-66, it is not clear whether the guards were Roman guards or Jewish guards. If they were Roman guards, it is hard to understand why they would have gone to talk with the Jewish chief priests. If they were Jewish guards, some observers wonder why they would have been concerned that the governor Pilate might cause them trouble; but one can understand their desire to avoid looking like they were derelict in their duty. On balance, it seems more likely that the guards were Jews, but we do not know. In verse 28:11, Matthew says the guards told the chief priests “everything that happened” or “all that had happened” (NRSV and NABRE, respectively). What in particular do you think the guards said? What plan do the chief priests and elders come up with to address what happened? Why would the guards need to be paid a large sum of money to say this? The chief priests might have been seen as guardians of the Torah or Old Testament Law, but now they have constructed a lie, in direct violation of the Torah, to avoid confronting a new truth that confirms the truths Jesus spoke that they already rejected. The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible describes the story concocted in verse 15 as: “A desperate fabrication by the Jerusalem leaders. Their bribe of the Roman soldiers illustrates how willful blindness hardens the heart to resist uncomfortable truths, even in the face of evidence” ( Ignatius Catholic Study Bible , fn. to 28:15, p. 60). Why is it that people sometimes sacrifice the truth to maintain the status quo? In what ways might we be at risk of resisting uncomfortable truths? Consciously or unconsciously, people sometimes choose to ignore evidence that disagrees with what they think. This can happen in matters of spiritual belief, religious observance, political analysis, business practices, social expectations, and family relations. How might we be at risk of resisting uncomfortable truths in these areas of our lives? How important is it to you to know the truth, to believe what is true, and to speak “the whole truth and nothing but the truth” regardless of the consequences? Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission Where do the disciples go? In Matthew, mountains are places where important things happen – for example, the Sermon on the Mount. We do not know what mountain this is. It could have been the mountain upon which Jesus was transfigured (Matthew 17:1-8). The rest of what happens in this passage occurs after they “saw” him. Why is seeing important for believing? In what ways does seeing the Lord in action give us strength to do what we are called to do? What do you think it means when Matthew says they worshipped him but some doubted? This could be an oblique reference to Thomas’s doubting before he saw the Lord (John 20:24-29) or others doubting the resurrection. If so, “some doubted” might be a parenthetical comment, not a statement of what happened after “they worshipped him.” The point is that worship was not the automatic or immediate reaction of everyone. Harrington suggests, “Their doubts (v. 17) may involve the possibility of having such an experience at all or the propriety of worshiping Jesus” (Harrington, The Gospel According to Matthew , p. 113). Matthew does not tell about any ascension of Jesus into heaven. Perhaps he thought that was implicit. Or perhaps he thought that how Jesus returned to the Father in heaven was of little importance compared to the importance of the material he is ending with – that Jesus’s followers were directed to spread the gospel (Matthew 28:19-20, often called “the Great Commission”). Go back and re-read the first part of Matthew 28:7 and 28:10. Back at the tomb, what is the first thing the women were asked to do? Why was their task of sharing important, even though they are not among the “eleven” here? Some people have big roles that draw a lot of attention. Some people have smaller or less visible roles where they pass along the word of God in a quiet, unobtrusive way or perform other necessary but often unnoticed tasks. God uses different people in different ways. All of the roles are important. What are some ways that you might be being called or used by God in behind-the-scenes ways to help spread the good news of Jesus? How might you honor those who do the behind-the-scenes work that help make the more public and visible work of God possible? Sometimes a simple, quiet word of appreciate goes a long way. In verse 18, Jesus says that “all authority” (NRSV) or “all power” (NABRE) has been given to him. What does this mean? As he walked the earth, the fully God but fully human Jesus was restricted in space and time, and as a human exercised only limited power on earth. Having risen from the dead, he has been given, by the Father, all power and authority in heaven as well as on earth. “All authority” means that he can do whatever he chooses to do, and no other power can stop him. Notice that the Great Commission (verse 19) begins with “therefore,” meaning that it follows from Jesus’s statement about his authority in verse 18. Why does the Great Commission flow from Jesus’s authority? Do we live our daily lives as though this is true, that all authority or power has been given to Jesus? Explain. In verses 19-20, what does Jesus tell the disciples to do? What is the significance of baptizing people? What is the role of baptism in our faith? When Jesus tells them to teach people to obey everything he commanded, what do you think is included in the “everything”? Where would you look for the content of what should be taught? Matthew has been making it clear throughout his Gospel that the message of Jesus is for all people of all nations, so this ending is not surprise. As early as chapter 2 (vv. 1-12), Jesus is worshipped by Gentiles (the wise men/Magi). In Matthew 4:24-25, we see Jesus’s message reaching beyond the Jews to people in Gentile territory. In Matthew 8:5-13 he heals the servant of a (Gentile) centurion. In chapter 15, Jesus is teaching and healing Gentiles more broadly. So these final verses are the culmination of a message Matthew has been stressing throughout his Gospel. How important is the universality of the gospel to the Christian faith? How central to the faith is the idea that the gospel is meant for everyone? Different faith traditions think about the Great Commission in different ways. Some consider it to be particularly a charge for the original disciples. Some see it as a mandate for the Church as a whole, but with different people called to different tasks and not all people called to evangelize. Some consider it a command directed toward all Christians. What role do you think you are called to play in spreading the good news and making disciples? Do you think we, the Church as a whole, are doing enough to bring the gospel to “all nations”? Explain. Verse 19 is probably the clearest statement of belief in the Trinity found in the New Testament. This Gospel was probably written in the 80s A.D., which shows that even as early as then Christians recognized that God needed to be described in terms of three Persons. Some skeptics like to claim that the idea of the Trinity was created in the 300s under Constantine. This is simply not true. Although some of the final doctrinal language was worked out then, Matthew 28:19 shows that the concept of the Trinity had already been around for more than 200 years before the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325 codified the doctrinal language we use to describe the Trinity. How does talking about God in terms of all three Persons of the Trinity help us to get to know God better? Do you find yourself relating more to one of the Persons of the Trinity than another – for example, do you focus more on God as Father, or relate more to Jesus than you do to the Holy Spirit? What value might there be in trying to relate to God in all three Persons of the Trinity? In verse 20, Matthew ends his Gospel with an assuring statement. What does Jesus say? Considering how daunting it might seem to spread the good news to the entire world, how is this statement comforting? How might Jesus’s assurance that he is with us always be an encouragement that spurs us on to greater efforts? Where in your life right now do you need to hear these words: “I am with you always,” even to the end of time? If you had 30 seconds to tell someone the core of the gospel, what would you include in your short testimony or witness or summary of what the Christian faith is all about? If someone asked you why they should care about Jesus – what difference does it make – how would you respond? Conclusion of Matthew’s Gospel Look back through the entire Gospel of Matthew before answering these two questions: What do you think Matthew wants his readers to do in response to his account of the life and teachings of Jesus? Please don’t stop at something simple like, “He wants us to believe.” Yes, of course he does. But what would that look like? What does he want us to do or how does he want us to live our lives as our response to Jesus? What is your favorite story, quote, or teaching from Matthew’s Gospel, or what part of this Gospel strikes you as most important or most meaningful, and why? [If you are studying together in a small group, ask everyone to respond to at least one of these questions and perhaps both, starting with the first questions and then moving to the second question after everyone who wants to share on the first question has done so.] Take a step back and consider this: Matthew’s Gospel is a call to “go” and “do” – to help those in need, to share the good news, to live a transformed life. Matthew is not content with words; he wants to us to put our faith into action. That is the core of his Gospel. Matthew hopes his Gospel will help us understand at least 5 things: First, Jesus seeks to transform our thinking in response to his downside-up view of the world, to see things from the perspective of those at the bottom of the social scale. Second, Jesus calls us to make changes in how we live our everyday lives, in order to be all that God intends us to be and not just avoid breaking the rules of the Law. Third, Jesus expects us to help those most in need and recognize that when we minister to them, we are ministering to him. Fourth, Jesus calls his followers to share with others what he has taught them and help people become part of the kingdom of heaven. Fifth, this message is meant for all people in all nations, not just an exclusive group or those we like or get along with easily. The good news is for everyone. The kingdom of heaven is open to everyone who responds. This is a visionary life we have been called to, and we have been given the privilege of receiving Jesus’s invitation to live it fully, with him. We can’t do everything, everywhere, all at once. As you end this study of the Gospel of Matthew, what is one thing you might consider doing differently starting right now – perhaps, focusing on one change you can make in how you think, how you live, who you help, how you share, and who you welcome in the life you have in Christ? Bibliography Click here for the bibliography . Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Matthew 12:38-50
Previous Next Matthew 12:38-50 Two reactions to Jesus: disingenuous skepticism and genuine commitment. Tom Faletti September 11, 2024 Matthew 12:38-42 The scribes and Pharisees ask for a sign The scribes and Pharisees request a “sign” from Jesus. What do they mean by a “sign”? They are looking for something dramatic. What do you think of their request for a sign. Was that a reasonable request? After he had done so much, it is hard to understand how they possibly could have needed something that they didn’t already have. Compare Matthew 11:2-6 to this passage. What kinds of “signs” has Jesus already done? What does the desire of these scribes and Pharisees to see a “sign” tell you about them? Jesus describes the people of his time as an “evil and adulterous generation.” He is using “adulterous” as a spiritual metaphor. The Old Testament uses that metaphor – see, for example, Jer. 3:6-11 and Hosea 3:1-5. When Jesus uses the metaphor of adultery, what is he saying about the scribes and Pharisees and those who share their skepticism about him? When Jesus says he will be in the earth for 3 days and 3 nights, what is he hinting at as the sign he will give? What is the story of Jonah? To whom was Jonah supposed to be speaking the word of the Lord when he ended up instead in the belly of the whale? What is the “sign of Jonah”? How does Jonah’s story prefigure Jesus? Jonah’s survival after three days in the whale prefigures Jesus’s resurrection. Also, Jonah’s calling to preach to the Gentiles (Ninevah) prefigures Jesus’s ministry to Gentiles, which we already saw in Matthew 8:5-13 and will see again in Matthew 15:21-38. In what way was Jonah’s ministry a sign of love for the Ninevites, and how is that also a prefiguring of Jesus? God loves those who are spiritually distant from him. He cared enough about the Ninevites to send Jonah to them and Jesus cares enough about the scribes and Pharisees to continue to engage them and call them to repentance. That the message conveys both God’s love and his call to repentance is a sign that the message is true. Why will the people of Nineveh condemn Jesus’s generation? The story of Solomon and the queen of Sheba appears in 1 Kings 10:1-13. She comes to Solomon with questions. She wants to find out if he is as wise as he is reputed to be. When she sees him in action, she recognizes his great wisdom and is deeply impressed by him. Why will the queen of Sheba condemn Jesus’s generation? Nineveh and Sheba were Gentile lands, not Jewish territory. Jesus says these non-Jews will judge the Jews of Jesus’s time. How does that add additional nuance and effect to Jesus’s denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees? Sometimes, skeptics in our time seem to have “signs” they want from God before they might be ready to believe. What might be some of those kinds of “signs” skeptics want in our society today? Sometimes even people in the church seem to be skeptical about God’s role in their lives, always wanting more proof that God is really present and at work. What kinds of “signs” do Christians sometimes want from Jesus in our time, before they commit more fully to him? How can you try to gauge whether skepticism is genuine or disingenuous? In what ways does our generation have advantages that might make us particularly worthy of judgment when we do not respond appropriately to Jesus? Luke tells the story slightly differently (Luke 11:29-30). He leaves out the 3 days and 3 nights part and says that Jonah (himself) was a sign to the people of Nineveh and Jesus (himself) is a sign to this generation. If Jesus is the sign, what is he a sign of? How is our generation missing that Jesus is the sign we seek? Matthew 12:43-45 An empty house This passage should not be analyzed primarily as a literal description of literal evil spirits. It is a metaphor. Recall that Matthew brings together related things Jesus said that he might not have said all at the same time. Matthew is telling us about discussing involving evil spirits, so he places these words here. Jesus referred to the scribes and Pharisees as an “evil generation” in verse 39 and he repeats that phrase here. The focus is on the scribes and Pharisees, not on some unidentified evil spirits; the evil spirits are a metaphor. In Luke, shortly after the discussion of Jonah (Luke 11:29-32), Jesus tells a Pharisee, “Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness” (Luke 11:39 NRSV). That is another metaphor to get to the same point, which is about the things the scribes and Pharisees are focused on. In what ways is the “house” of the Pharisees “empty, swept, and put in order” (Matthew 12:44)? In what ways is the life of the Pharisees “clean” and yet still evil? In what ways are we at risk of “cleaning” our “house” yet leaving it empty and exposed to bad influences instead of filling it with Jesus? Does modern Christianity focus more on sweeping out sins than on what should take the place of those sins? Explain. Matthew 12:46-50 “Who are my mother and brothers?” Matthew has been leading us through a long segment of his Gospel that has focused on opposition to Jesus and the fundamental choice that each person must make. Now he brings it home. Where are Jesus’s family – his mother and brothers – as he has been contending with the Pharisees? Protestants take the word “brothers” literally. The Catholic Church has always maintained that Jesus’s mother Mary was a virgin throughout her life and that “brothers” here is to be interpreted as “relatives”. There is one theory that would make them step-brothers – sons of Joseph from a prior marriage; but there are also arguments for considering them to be his cousins. No one other than Jesus is ever referred to in the Gospels as a child of Mary. Two of the men referred to as “brothers” of Jesus in the Gospels have the same names as the sons of another “Mary” named in Matthew 27:56, whom John 19:25 suggests might be the sister of Jesus’s mother. Catholics also argue that when Jesus was hanging on the cross, he would not have entrusted Mary to John if she had other sons. And in both the Old and New Testaments, “brother” is used for a variety of relationships, figurative and literal, especially because the Hebrew did not have a word for “cousin” ( Ignatius Catholic Study Bible , Matthew 12:46 fn., pp. 29-30). This is not a question that can be resolved in a small-group Bible Study. If different members of the group disagree, it is best to note that the Body of Christ is divided on this question and that we should not let it divide us from learning together from the Word of God. We don’t need to resolve that issue to gain important lessons from what Jesus says here. What question does Jesus ask, and how does he answer the question? According to Jesus, who are his mother and brothers? What do they do that makes them his mother and brother (or sister)? Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven – i.e., whoever does the will of God – is a brother or sister of Jesus. What opportunity does this present to us? What does this tell us about the family of God? What does genuine commitment to Jesus look like in our day? What challenge does this passage present to you? What might God be asking you to do that you are currently not doing? Let’s look back over this entire chapter. There is a progression in the Pharisees’ opposition to Jesus. They move from: watching him with suspicion (12:1-8, where they object to the disciples plucking grain on the Sabbath), to trying to entrap him (12:9-14, where they ask him if a cure at that moment would be permissible), to plotting to kill him (12:14), to impugning his character so that there would be a pretext for eliminating him (12:22-32, when they accuse him of acting by the power of Satan), to demanding a sign to discredit him (12:38), as though he hasn’t already provided a multitude of signs. Looking over the whole chapter, how does Jesus respond to the growing opposition to him? My Bible Study group saw all of the following: confidence, determination, preparedness, explanation, refutation, defiance, warning, and invitation. You may see other things. Take a step back and consider this: St. Francis of Assisi had an interesting perspective on Jesus’s statement on his mother and brothers, and he connected it to Matthew 5:16, where Jesus tells us to let our light shine. Francis said that “we are brothers, when we do the will of His Father, who is in heaven (cf. Mt 12:50); mothers when we bear Him in our heart and body (1 Cor 6:20) by love and by a pure and sincere conscience; we give birth to Him through holy work, which should shine upon others as an example (cf. Mt 5:16)” (Francis of Assisi, “Letter to the Faithful II,” . The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi, Parts I & II , translated from the Latin Critical Edition by Fr. K. Esser, O.F.M., ). The first part of this quote is a restatement of what Jesus said in Matthew 12:50: we are brothers of Jesus when we do the Father’s will. But in what sense might we also be Jesus’s mother? Francis offers a beautiful, poetic insight: First, like a mother , we bear (i.e., carry) Jesus in our heart and body, like a pregnant woman carries her child, with love and a pure heart. Second, we figuratively give birth to Jesus when we do the “holy work” that shines the light of Christ to others. When we give a tangible embodiment of Christ to others when we let Christ show forth in our actions. Jesus is very clear that it is our doing the will of God that makes us his mother and brothers, and Francis sees us doing that not just as an act of obedience but as an expression of love that gives of ourselves to bring the work of God to life – to give birth to God’s work in our world. How might your perspective and attitude change if you saw your willingness to do the will of God, your willingness to do the work God calls you to, as being an opportunity to give life to God’s work, to give birth to something new by your work? Is there somewhere right now where you need to make a decision to do the will or work of God in some way? In what way might God be calling you to give birth to some new action on that will allow God’s light to shine through you? Bibliography Click here for the bibliography . Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Matthew 5:38-42
Previous Next Matthew 5:38-42 Jesus takes retaliation in a new direction. Tom Faletti May 4, 2024 Matthew 5:38-42 Retaliation After reading Matthew 5:38-42, read Exodus 21:23-24 and Leviticus 24:17-20 . (Optionally, you could also read Deuteronomy 19:16-21.) What did the Old Testament prescribe as the limit of retaliation or punishment for hurting another person? This system is known by its Latin name, lex talionis , which means the Law of Retaliation, in which people receive retribution in kind: whatever the offender did to someone else, the offender receives roughly equal treatment. It is often called “an eye for an eye” because of the Old Testament examples that are given. When it was established by the Israelites, it was a restriction on vengeance or retaliation at a time when it was common to kill someone who injured you or to have your entire tribe attack the entire tribe of someone who inflicted an injury. It was saying: Only one eye for an eye; only one life for a life. Deuteronomy 19:18 indicates that this system of penalties was to be carried out by the society through the courts; the Law was not establishing a private right of action where you could go after the person who hurt you and do the same thing to them. The Jewish rabbis did not believe that God wanted people to be literally maimed, so they developed methods of calculating how much a person should pay in money, rather than having body parts taken (William Barclay, Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1 , p. 162). We would call this “compensatory damages” today. What is Jesus’s new way of approaching the problem? Jesus says, don’t resist, don’t demand retribution; instead, give more. Another part of the Old Testament Law said, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Lev. 19:18, NRSV). This seems to contradict the eye-for-an-eye mentality. Jesus weighed in on the side of not taking vengeance. But Jesus went further. Matthew 5:39a states the general principle, followed by 5 different practical applications of it that move progressively further and further away from the original issue of violence. What are the 5 specific cases Jesus cites and how to deal with them? Someone hits you, sues you, forces you to go a mile, begs from you, or asks to borrow from you. Let’s look at each of these examples to see what insights and concerns they raise. 1. Someone hits you. This example is often misunderstood. Most people are right-handed, and the example assumes a right-handed person. If a right-hander is going to hit you on the right cheek, it will have to be done with the back of the hand, not with a fist. This implies an insult slap. (If someone slugs you with their right fist, the right fist will generally hit your left cheek, not your right cheek. Only a backhanded slap lands on the right cheek.) If you have been insulted with a back-of-the-hand slap to your right cheek, offer them your left cheek, which can be hit even more forcefully. What is Jesus saying? One possible extension of what Jesus is saying is: Do not get all worked up when people insult you. How can we learn to not seek retaliation when we are mistreated? Another possible extension of what Jesus is saying is that Jesus’s approach may have a greater likelihood of changing your opponent's behavior than hot-headed retaliation would. Read Romans 12:19-21 . (What Paul writes here is based on Proverbs 25:21-22.) What does Paul tell the Christians in Rome, and how does it relate to Jesus’s teaching here? Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote: “[W]e must not seek to defeat or humiliate the enemy but to win his friendship and understanding. At times we are able to humiliate our worst enemy. Inevitably, his weak moments come and we are able to thrust in his side the spear of defeat. But this we must not do. Every word and deed must contribute to an understanding with the enemy and release those vast reservoirs of goodwill that have been blocked by impenetrable walls of hate” ( Strength to Love , Beacon Press, Boston, 1963, p. 46). How might responding to insult or mistreatment by turning the other cheek defuse a situation and give you an opportunity for reconciliation and a better outcome? 2. Someone sues you. Jesus says, If you are sued for your inner garment, of which a person would probably have more than one, give also your cloak – the outer garment, of which the typical Jew would have only one (Barclay, Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1 , p. 165). Under the Old Testament Jewish Law, you had a right to your cloak at night, even if you had to give it to someone during the day as the pledge for a loan (Exodus 22:26-27). Jesus says, give up even your cloak. One interpretation is that Jesus is saying that you should not insist on your rights. How can we be like that? When we do this, it might open up the possibility of bridging the gap between us and the other person, which might make it possible to restore the relationship. (But don’t count on it. This is not a magic. There may be times when we just have to leave justice in the hands of God. And there may be times when we need to stand up for our rights.) 3. Someone forces you to go a mile – i.e., inconveniences you. Roman soldiers could press a person into service to carry a burden for them, as Simon of Cyrene experienced with Jesus’s cross. Jesus is saying to do more than what we are asked when we are inconvenienced. How can we be like that? 4. and 5. Someone begs from you or asks to borrow from you. We have all experienced times when people have begged or borrowed from us. Begging and borrowing are not the same thing. How are they different? Despite the differences between begging and borrowing, in what ways do both types of requests put us in the same position? What is Jesus’s response to both situations, and why do you think that is his prescription? How can we be like that? Considered together, these examples deal with much more than retaliation. They describe a way of approaching life – a mindset – that is at odds with our human nature and with what the world teaches us. How would you describe the fundamental attitudes or mindset that underlie this approach to life? At How can we transform our hearts and minds so that these kinds of reactions come more naturally? Where in your life right now might God be asking you to try to accept this mindset and do things differently?How can we transform our hearts and minds so that these kinds of reactions come more naturally? Where in your life right now might God be asking you to try to accept this mindset and do things differently? root, they involve a deep reliance on God. Do any of these seem especially unrealistic or difficult? Discuss it. Jesus would listen intently to your concerns. How do you think he would respond? Take a step back and consider this: It would be easy to see the Sermon on the Mount as replacing the old Law with a new Law – a new, stricter set of rules that we should follow. That is not what Jesus is doing. More laws will not create the kind of people Jesus is seeking to form. He wants to create new hearts, not new laws. One of God’s great projects on Earth is to work his character into our hearts. The more we become like him, the more instinctively we will be able to live out his teachings. What are the underlying changes of heart and mind that would be needed in order to live out Jesus’s instructions in this passage more easily? How can we transform our hearts and minds so that these kinds of reactions come more naturally? Where in your life right now might God be asking you to try to accept this mindset and do things differently? Bibliography Click here for the bibliography . Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Look for the Perspective that Allows You to See Joy
Previous Next Look for the Perspective that Allows You to See Joy Your attitude determines what is a “win.” Image provided by Wix. Tom Faletti February 21, 2024 A mother called in to the Internet radio station K-Love at 9:55 a.m. EST on January 25, 2023. The DJs were asking listeners to fill in the blank in this sentence: “I am wealthy because . . . (not necessarily wealthy monetarily, but wealthy in some way).” In response, the mother told a story about making dinner. She made a casserole with chicken, broccoli, and rice. When she went to serve it to her 12-year-old son, he said, “I don’t want any broccoli.” So she gave it to him without the broccoli. He went to a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a sauce packet from Chick-fil-A. He poured the sauce on his dinner and ate it. When he was done eating, he said, “That was the best dinner I’ve ever had!” As she told this story on the air, this mother summed it up this way: “Mom for the win! Any time you can make a dinner and your middle-schooler loves it, it’s a win.” Your attitude determines what is a “win” As I listened, I thought about all the ways this mother could have had a different attitude. She could have objected to her son not eating the broccoli. She could have grumbled about his adding the Chick-fil-A sauce to her casserole. Instead, she accepted the situation for what it was and found joy in her son’s joy. Your perspective influences your attitude If she had approached the situation from the perspective that her son’s daily intake of vegetables was deficient, she wouldn’t have been able to call it a “win.” If her perspective had been that she makes good meals and doesn’t need “improvements,” she wouldn’t have been able to call it a “win.” In either of those cases, she wouldn’t have been able to share in her son’s joy. Mom for the win? It all depends on what you focus on, and what you choose to see. St. Paul wrote, “[W]hatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Phil. 4:8, NRSV). He also wrote: “Rejoice with those who rejoice” (Rom. 12:15,NRSV). Sharing in the joy of others is one of the secrets of a joyful Christian life. We are encouraged to find a perspective that allows us to look see joy. Your perspective influences the joy of others American film producer Samuel Goldwyn, founder of MGM, has been quoted as saying, “When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy.” This mother’s son left the table happy about a good meal but also happy in his mother’s appreciation of his joy. If she had scolded him, there would have been no joy in that house for either of them that night. Our decision to look for joy can make ourselves and everyone around us happier. Whenever you can, share in the joy of others! Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- God Reveals Himself in Scripture and in the Natural World through Faith and Science
Previous Next God Reveals Himself in Scripture and in the Natural World, through Faith and Science God teaches us through faith and science. Image provided by Wix. Tom Faletti March 18, 2024 I saw a meme that said, “I don’t follow the Science. I follow Jesus.” This statement deserves further thought. I am a follower of Jesus. I believe He is God (John 1:1). He is the Author of life (Acts 3:15). All of the created world was created through Him (John 1:3; Col. 1:16). God reveals Himself through creation (Rom. 1:20). God Reveals Himself in Scripture and in the Natural World The heavens and the earth – i.e., all of the natural world – tell the glory of God and proclaim His handiwork (Psalm 19:1). In other words, God reveals Himself and His truths both through Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16) and through the natural world He created (Prov. 30:24-28). Since God is always true (John 3:33), He cannot reveal truth to us in one part of revelation and lie to us in another. All of God’s revelation is true – both that which is found in Scripture and that which is found in the natural world He gave us. Therefore, we can find truths revealed by God in Scripture, and we can find truths revealed by God in the natural world He authored. Science The word “science” refers to a well-developed set of processes people use to understand truths about the natural world. Although scientists wouldn’t say it this way because they are looking for natural evidence, since God is the author of all creation, when they find things that are true in the natural world, they are finding truths that God has revealed to us in the natural world. God teaches us through faith and science. The word “science” is also used to describe the body of truths that humans have discovered as they use the processes of science to explore the natural world. We see “science” in every part of our lives. Scientists used the processes of science to understand the nature of penicillin and its healing properties. As a result, we have a body of scientific knowledge about antibiotics. Scientists used the processes of science to understand the nature of fuels, providing us with the scientific knowledge to provide power to our tractors, our automobiles, and our power plants. Scientists used the processes of science to understand how to improve the yields of plants and animals, leading to the science of agronomy that helps us feed the world. Observing God’s Orderly Universe All of this is possible because God created an orderly universe with laws that govern that universe, and because He allowed people to discover the truths about the natural world that are hidden in that orderly world. (Even the seemingly disorderly parts of the natural world contain truths that humans can and do discover about the natural world.) The Scriptures speak approvingly of attitudes and actions that are Bible-era precursors of modern science. The Book of Proverbs applauds those who carefully observe the natural world in order to apply it to their own situations (Prov. 6:6-11; 30:24-28). Jesus calls attention to those who observe signs from nature to predict the weather and suggests that we should have a similar attitude in reading spiritual signs (Matthew 16:2-3; Luke 12:54-56). Jesus also tells a parable in which he speaks well of a gardener who seeks to experiment with the soil in order to increase the likelihood of a good harvest (Luke 13:6-9). These passages reflect God’s approval of our use of the processes of science – observing, experimenting, drawing conclusions, etc. Using All of God’s Tools to Understand Truth God has given humans the ability to search out the truths of the natural world through science, just as He has enabled us to search out the truths of the spiritual world through Bible Study. To say, “I follow Jesus but I don’t follow the science,” would be like saying, “I follow Jesus but I don’t follow Bible Study.” They are both just tools – methods of learning. Science is a method used to understand what God reveals through the natural world. Bible Study is a method used to understand what God reveals through Scripture. One and the same God reveals Himself in both places – in Scripture and in the natural world, through Bible Study and through science. Thank God that He has chosen to reveal Himself in both places and has given us these tools – Bible Study and science – to make sense of His truths in both places. God teaches us through faith and science. Blessed is the person who listens to all of God’s revelation, wherever He chooses to reveal it. Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
- Where is God? - Part 2
Previous Next Where is God? - Part 2 Active in the timeline Tom Faletti (to be continued) Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, ). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and . See for more materials like this. Previous Next Join Faith Explored and Join the Conversation! If you are a member of Faith Explored (click here to join) and would like to react to or ask a question about any material here, please post a question in the forum or send an email using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Use these links to become a member and join the conversation: Become a Member Forum Page Blog Page
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